2019 Goals

Every year I resolve to be a better person – a better mom, a better wife, a better friend – but by the time Fall comes around I already feel like I’ve failed.  It is so hard to do all the things while maintaining a sense of balance (and sanity) when my life is already filled with so much of the mundane, everyday tasks.  It is difficult to make time for what really matters when time slips away each day all too easily.r

In 2018, I did so much to get back to my true purpose and peel back the layers to my core – to redefine what really matters and put everything back into perspective.  I cried a lot, I doubted myself too often, I suffered from panic attacks, anxiety attacks and countless sleepless nights.  I felt overstretched and overwhelmed all the time and tried to ignore the signs that told me to slow down, do less, and listen to my heart.  I read to feed my soul and also to quiet my mind.

I did not spend as much time as I would have liked with the people I love and want to support.  I did not spend as much time in quiet spaces or with my own thoughts, to soak in my blessings or express my gratitude as often as I liked.  As the year drew to a close, I felt a gap in my heart grow as I felt I was tumbling into an abyss I feared I would not be able to escape, unless I changed my life significantly – little by little, and with lots of intention.

I worked with a coach who made me realize I cannot control everything that happens to me, and that losing sight of my family would only mean I could lose everything PERIOD.  I pulled back from my business for a while, and truly enjoyed a summer free from commitments, and staycations to celebrate time with my sweet family GUILT FREE and JOY FILLED.  I enjoyed more unplanned, simple moments at HOME – baking with my sweet children, moving our furniture around until I felt content, repainting our kitchen a soothing shade of taupe, clearing my closet out to celebrate the 20 pounds I lost this year, attending school events and birthday parties with my children and winding down at night enjoying guilty pleasure TV shows with my husband instead of staying up late at night to work work work without fulfillment.

2019 vision board
2019 Vision Board

This year, I vow to lean into more of what makes my heart feel full and take my time to grow my business without sacrificing what matters.  My goals are simple and an extension of relying on habits and routines I’ve formed over time.  I’m hoping that sharing them here will inspire YOU to take stock of what matters and work on your BIG PICTURE GOALS little by little, with a lot of patience and GRACE to live a life you truly enjoy and is filled with JOY.

My 2019 Goals

  • Self Care – Take time for me, especially when I start to lose sight of my health.  Monthly massages, biweekly nail appointments, back to yoga and pure barre.  Enjoy activities I love – calligraphy, florals, decorating – guilt-free and without comparison.
  • Calm – Feel calm and cozy at home.  Create a joyful, happy, clutter-free space.  Meditate and read regularly to maintain a sense of calmness amidst the chaos.
  • Relationships – Nurture time with my husband, children, and my closest friends.  Monthly date nights, family outings and brunch dates to deepen these connections and make new memories.
  • Community – Meet new friends in the industry, host quarterly events to bring people together.  Join community groups to meet new friends.
  • Boss Babe – Create high-quality content for my brand, through collaborations and featured publications for my ideal client.  Streamline my process to automate recurring tasks and onboard new members to my team.
  • Debt Free – Create a realistic plan to pay off our debt by 2020. Focus on minimizing credit card debt and managing our monthly to redirect funds to savings. Enjoy one or two staycations during the year, and a family trip to Europe in the Fall!

Would love to hear about your goals, and cheer you on in 2019.  Come back to see how things are going for me in 2019, and stay in touch!



One thought on “2019 Goals

  1. So extremely proud of you. Regardless if you realize or not, I’m your biggest cheerleader! Family first and all else will always always fall in to place!! Love you my dear!!!

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